Genomic track HDF5 (.h5) file

To enable rapid visualization of genomic track datasets along with contact map, we used HDF5 format file to store these datasets at various resolutions. HDF5 is a binary indexed file and therefore, entire datasets or a portion of dataset can be accessed rapidly.

HDF5 library is available for C, C++, R, Java and Python programming language, and therefore these files can be directly read through these languages.

Downsampling or Coarsening of datasets

Genomic contact map can be of different resolutions, and therefore, resolution of corresponding genomic track datasets should match during the visualization/analysis. Therefore, genomic dataset need to be downsampled or coarsened. However, there are several possible methods for downsampling that can be suitable for different purposes. Therefore, we have implmented six different methods as follows,

  • Arithmatic mean
  • Geometric mean
  • Harmonic mean
  • Median
  • Maximum
  • Minimum

When a file is opened in the browser, user receives a prompt for selection of downsampling method, and subsequently, the selected data is loaded into the browser.

Structure of genomic track (.h5) file

Format: /<Chromosome>/<Resolution>/<1D Numpy Array>

HDF5 ──────────────────────────> title
  ├──────── chr1
  │           ├───── 1kb
  │           │        ├──────── amean  ( Arithmatic mean) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── median ( Median value   ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── hmean  ( Harmonic mean  ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── gmean  ( Geometric mean ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── min    ( Minimum value  ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        └──────── max    ( Maximum value  ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │
  │           ├────  5kb
  │           │        ├──────── amean  ( Arithmatic mean) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── median ( Median value   ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── hmean  ( Harmonic mean  ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── gmean  ( Geometric mean ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── min    ( Minimum value  ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        └──────── max    ( Maximum value  ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │
  │           └────  ...
  ├──────── chr2
  │           ├───── 1kb
  │           │        ├──────── amean  ( Arithmatic mean) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── median ( Median value   ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── hmean  ( Harmonic mean  ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── gmean  ( Geometric mean ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        ├──────── min    ( Minimum value  ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           │        └──────── max    ( Maximum value  ) (type: 1D Array)
  │           └────  ..
  └───── ...


In h5 file, dataset is stored as an 1D array. Presently, two compression methods are allowed in the h5 file:

By default, LZF is used to compress arrays. This method is very fast, and allow the reading.


LZF method is only avaiable through Python h5py module, and therefore, this file cannot be read by another programming language through standard library.

For portablity, use GZIP compression method, which is available in standard HDF5 library.

Convert bigWig/wig/bed to genomic track h5 file

To convert bigWig/wig/bed files to genomic track files a GUI application and several commands are available.

Convert using gcMapExplorer Python modules: