gcmap module

gcmap.GCMAP(hdf5[, mapName, chromAtX, ...]) To access Genome wide contact map.
gcmap.GCMAP.changeMap([mapName, chromAtX, ...]) Change the map from
gcmap.GCMAP.changeResolution(resolution) Try to change contact map of a given resolution.
gcmap.GCMAP.toFinerResolution() Try to change contact map to next finer resolution
gcmap.GCMAP.toCoarserResolution() Try to change contact map to next coarser resolution
gcmap.GCMAP.loadSmallestMap([resolution]) Load smallest sized contact map
gcmap.GCMAP.genMapNameList([sortBy]) Generate list of contact maps available in gcmap file
gcmap.GCMAP.performDownSampling([method]) Downsample recursively and store the maps
gcmap.loadGCMapAsCCMap(filename[, mapName, ...]) Load a map from gcmap file as a gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP.
gcmap.addCCMap2GCMap(cmap, filename[, ...]) Add gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP to a gcmap file
gcmap.changeGCMapCompression(infile, ...[, ...]) Change compression method in GCMAP file

GCMAP class

class GCMAP(hdf5, mapName=None, chromAtX=None, chromAtY=None, resolution=None)

To access Genome wide contact map.

It is similar to gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP and contains same attributes. Therefore, both gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP and GCMAP can be used in same way to accesss attributes. It also contains additional attributes because it uses HDF5 file to read the maps on demand.

Structure of gcmap file:

├──────── chr1 ──── Attributes : ['xlabel', 'ylabel', 'compression']
│           │
│           ├────── 10kb  ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 20kb  ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 40kb  ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 60kb  ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 80kb  ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 160kb ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 320kb ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 640kb ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           │
│           ├────── 10kb-bNoData  ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 20kb-bNoData  ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 40kb-bNoData  ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 60kb-bNoData  ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 80kb-bNoData  ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 160kb-bNoData ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 320kb-bNoData ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           └────── 640kb-bNoData ( 1D Numpy Array )
├──────── chr2 ──── Attributes : ['xlabel', 'ylabel', 'compression']
│           │
│           ├────── 10kb  ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 20kb  ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 40kb  ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 60kb  ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 80kb  ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 160kb ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 320kb ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           ├────── 640kb ( 2D Numpy Array ) ─── Attributes : ['minvalue', 'maxvalue', 'xshape', 'yshape', 'binsize']
│           │
│           ├────── 10kb-bNoData  ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 20kb-bNoData  ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 40kb-bNoData  ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 60kb-bNoData  ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 80kb-bNoData  ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 160kb-bNoData ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           ├────── 320kb-bNoData ( 1D Numpy Array )
│           └────── 640kb-bNoData ( 1D Numpy Array )
└───── ...


The class is instantiated by two methods:
>>> ccMapObj = gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP(hdf5, 'chr22')    # To read chr22 vs chr22 map
>>> ccMapObj.matrix[200:400, 200:400]  # Read region between 200 to 400 of chr22 vs chr22 map.
  • hdf5 (str or h5py.File) – Either gcmap file name or h5py file object, which is an entry point to HDF5 file.
  • mapName (str) – Name of contact map. e.g.: chr1 or chr2.
  • chromAtX (str) – Name of chromosome at X-axis
  • chromAtY (str) – Name of chromosome at Y-axis. If chromAtY = None, both x-axis and y-axis contains same chromosome and map is of ‘intra’ of ‘cis’ type.
  • resolution (str) – Resolution of required map.

list – Minimum and maximum locations along Y-axis. e.g. yticks=[0, 400000]


list – Minimum and maximum locations along X-axis. e.g. xticks=[0, 400000]


int – Resolution of data. In case of 10kb resolution, binsize is 10000.


str – Title of the data


str – Title for X-axis, which is chromosome name along X-axis


str – Title for Y-axis, which is chromosome name along Y-axis


tuple – Overall shape of matrix


float – Minimum value in matrix


float – Maximum value in matrix


h5py.Dataset – A HDF5 Dataset object pointing to matrix/map. See here for more details:


numpy.ndarray – A boolean numpy array of matrix shape


bool – If values in matrix are in log


str – Data type of matrix/map


str – Type of map: intra or inter chromosomal map. If chromosome along X- and Y- axis is same, then map is intra-chromosomal, otherwise map is inter-chromosomal.


h5py.File – HDF5 file object instance


bool – Whether a file is opened inside object or a HDF5 file object is provided to object. When a file is opened by object, it is closed before object is destroyed.


str – Name of current contact map or group name in HDF5 file


str – Resolution of current contact map


str – Finest available resolution of current contact map


list – List of binsizes available for current contact map


list – List of all available contact maps in gcmap file

changeMap(mapName=None, chromAtX=None, chromAtY=None, resolution=None)

Change the map from

It can be used to change the map. For example, to access the map of ‘chr20’ instead of ‘chr22’, use this function.

For example:
>>> ccMapObj = gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP(hdf5, 'chr22')    # To read chr22 vs chr22 map
>>> ccMapObj.matrix[200:400, 200:400]  # To access region between 200 to 400 of chr22 vs chr22 map.
>>> ccMapObj.changeMap('chr20')        # Changed to read chr20 vs chr20 map
>>> ccMapObj.matrix[200:400, 200:400]  # Now, to access region between 200 to 400 of chr20 vs chr20 map.

Try to change contact map of a given resolution.

Parameters:resolution (str) – Resolution to change.
Returns:success – If change was successfu True otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Generate list of contact maps available in gcmap file

The maps can be either sorted by name or by size. The listed maps are in GCMAP.mapNameList.

Parameters:sortBy (str) – Accepted keywords are name and size.

To get xticks and yticks for the matrix

Parameters:binsize (int) – Number of base in each bin or pixel or box of contact map.
  • xticks (numpy.array) – 1D array containing positions along X-axis
  • yticks (numpy.array) – 1D array containing positions along X-axis

Load smallest sized contact map

Parameters:resolution (str) – Resolution to change. When it is not provided, finest resolution of smallest maps is loaded.

Downsample recursively and store the maps

It Downsample the maps and automatically add it to same input gcmap file. Downsampling works recursively, and downsampled maps are generated untill map has a size of less than 500.

Parameters:method (str) – Method of downsampling. Three accepted methods are sum: sum all values, mean: Average of all values and max: Maximum of all values.

Try to change contact map to next coarser resolution

Returns:success – If change was successfu True otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Try to change contact map to next finer resolution

Returns:success – If change was successfu True otherwise False.
Return type:bool


loadGCMapAsCCMap(filename, mapName=None, chromAtX=None, chromAtY=None, resolution=None, workDir=None)

Load a map from gcmap file as a gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP.

  • filename (str) – Either a gcmap file or h5py.File instance or GCMAP.hdf5 from which contact map data will be read.
  • mapName (str) – Name of contact map. e.g.: chr1 or chr2.
  • chromAtX (str) – Name of chromosome at X-axis
  • chromAtY (str) – Name of chromosome at Y-axis. If chromAtY = None, both x-axis and y-axis contains same chromosome and map is of ‘intra’ of ‘cis’ type.
  • resolution (str) – Resolution of required map. If contact map of input resolution is not found, None will be returned.
  • workDir (str) – Name of directory where temporary files will be kept. These files will be automatically deleted.


Return type:

None or gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP

addCCMap2GCMap(cmap, filename, compression='lzf', generateCoarse=True, coarsingMethod='sum', replaceCMap=True, logHandler=None)

Add gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP to a gcmap file

  • cmap (gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP) – An instance of gcMapExplorer.lib.ccmap.CCMAP, which will be added to gcmap file
  • filename (str) – Name of gcmap file or h5py.File instance or GCMAP.hdf5 to which output data will be written.
  • compression (str) – Compression method. Presently allowed : lzf for LZF compression and gzip for GZIP compression.
  • generateCoarse (bool) – Also generates all coarser maps where resolutions will be coarsed by a factor of two, consequetively. e.g.: In case of 10 kb input resolution, downsampled maps of 20kb, 40kb, 80kb, 160kb, 320kb etc. will be generated untill, map size is less than 500.
  • coarsingMethod (str) – Method of downsampling. Three accepted methods are sum: sum all values, mean: Average of all values and max: Maximum of all values.
  • replaceCMap (bool) – Replace entire old ccmap data including resolutions and coarsed data.

success – If addition was successful True otherwise False.

Return type:


changeGCMapCompression(infile, outfile, compression, logHandler=None)

Change compression method in GCMAP file

Change compression method in GCMAP file. Currently LZF and GZIP compression is allowed. LZF is fast and moderately compressing algorithm. However, GZIP is slower with large compressing ratio.


GCMAP with gzip compression can be universally read from any programming language using HDF5 library, however LZF compression can be only decompressed using Python h5py package.

  • infile (str) – Input GCMAP file
  • outfile (str) – Output GCMAP file
  • compression (str) – Method of compression: lzf` or gzip